Outreach Services

CCLS Outreach Van_Driver Side_Final mockup       Mobile Library - Copy
Outreach Services

Outreach means bringing the library to you.

We are committed to providing all community members access to library resources and services. Cleveland County Library System’s services extend beyond our physical locations.  Whether a person is homebound, in day care, at a city park, senior center, or elementary school, Outreach Services brings the experiences of the library directly to where they are. 

Mobile Library

Thanks to a generous LSTA Grant from the State Library of North Carolina and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Cleveland County Library System (CCLS) is excited to announce the relaunch of its mobile library service. This revitalized initiative is designed to bring the library experience directly to the residents of Cleveland County.

The newly revamped bookmobile will offer a range of library resources, including books, DVDs, audiobooks, and a library of things, all available for checkout at convenient community stops. Additionally, the mobile library will provide programming, such as preschool story times, workforce development training, and a seed library.

The bookmobile will also feature a mobile makerspace, equipped with tools such as a 3D printer, Cricut vinyl cutter, craft supplies, and other creative resources to foster hands-on learning and innovation throughout the County.

For more information, including the mobile library schedule and locations, please visit our Calendar of Events.

Adult Outreach

The Library provides programming to adults in the community as well as delivery service to homebound customers. Homebound service will be provided to residents of the City of Shelby and Cleveland County who are not able to come to the library. 
Featured Program:
Read What You Want Book Club
Once a month CCLS staff offers a book club at Got Books bookstore at 814 S Washington Street in Shelby. Join us as we discuss what we are currently reading. Discover new authors based on other members' recommendations. All genres are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Check the event calendar for the next date!

Loan Period

Library materials will be delivered and picked up by the adult outreach staff. Homebound delivery service is free.

Library Materials Available for Homebound Customers and Children's Outreach FacilitiesBooks, audiobooks, DVDs and CDs.

Conditions for Homebound Service/Adult OutreachHomebound service will be provided to residents of Cleveland County who are not able to come to the library. “Homebound” is defined as a customer who is  either temporarily, due to illness or accident, or permanently, due to age, disability or other mobility problems, unable to visit a library branch to check out materials. Each homebound customer must register for a library card if they do not already have one. There is no charge for homebound service provided by the library's outreach and community engagement department. 

The library does not charge fines for materials for homebound customers. However, homebound customers are responsible for damaged or lost items. 

Application for Homebound Service

Children's Outreach

Storytime services, book delivery, and enrichment programming are provided to daycare centers, preschool programs at elementary schools, Head Start centers, and community centers, that meet the criteria for Storytime or book delivery service. Please complete the application below to submit your request for book delivery or story time services and enrichment programming.

Application for Children's Outreach Services

Featured Program:
Storytime at Cleveland Mall
Once a month CCLS staff host a themed Storytime at the mall for toddlers and preschool-aged children and their caretakers. In the area across from Dunham's Sports and the nail salon. Please see our event calendar for the next date!

If you have any questions, please contact the Outreach and Community Engagement Manager at (704) 487-9069 Extension 140.