Planning Services

Short and long-term land use planning services are vital to the success of Cleveland County. This is done through a variety of means such as Future Land Use Planning and Mapping, Historical Preservation, Greenways and Trails, and through membership in the Metropolitan Planning Organization. 

Land Use Plan and Map

The Land Use Plan is a road map for future development in Cleveland County. It is a guide to be used when making decisions about rezoning and development plans. The current Cleveland County Land Use Plan can be found here and the map can be found on our GIS site here. Contact our office for more details.


The Cleveland County Planning Department is a partner with both the Kings Mountain Gateway Trail and the Broad River Greenway. The County is involved in trail expansion and maintenance. You can find out more about the Gateway Trail or Greenway by visiting their websites.

Metropolitan Planning Organization

The Cleveland County Planning Department is a contributing member of the Gaston Lincoln Cleveland Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The MPO, consisting of Planners and elected officials, looks at long-range road projects that have local, regional, and state impact. To learn more about the MPO or projects being considered please click here

Historical Preservation

The Cleveland County Historical Preservation Commission was created to help preserve residences and other structures with historical value within Cleveland County. The Historical Preservation Commission may grant status as a historical local landmark to buildings and other structures deemed to be of historical significance. If you have property you think may qualify for recognition as a historic landmark, please contact our office at 980-484-4979.