Surveys, Addressing, and Roads

The Cleveland County Planning Office is responsible for viewing and approving surveys (or plats) for subdivisions. Minor subdivisions create five (5) or fewer new lots whereas major subdivisions create more than five. The requirements for those differ and can be found here

A subdivision plat must be reviewed and signed by the Planning Administrator and the Review Officer and then be recorded in the Register of Deeds. The plat can be sent electronically for approval here, or they can also be brought to the Planning Office for approval before going to the Review Officer and finally the Register of Deeds. Electronic approval of any subdivision plat must be sent through a state-approved electronic signature program. If you have any questions about surveys, please email or call our office.

AddressingCleveland County Planning Office maintains addresses for all properties in Cleveland County outside of Shelby, Kings Mountain, and Boiling Springs.  Addresses are created for structures based on where the driveway touches the road, and vacant properties will not be given addresses. If you have a question about an address, please call the Planning Office and we can assist you.

Roads: Name Changes and Signs

The County has the authority to name streets for E-911 location services. If you and your neighbors would like to name, rename, or unname your road, please contact the Planning Office. The petition will be placed on the next available Planning Board meeting for consideration. 

To report a missing or damaged street sign please contact the Planning Office at 980-484-4975 or fill out the form below: