Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) is North Carolina’s program that administers the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. This is a food assistance program that helps low-income families. In North Carolina, monthly allotments of FNS benefits are issued via Electronic Benefit Transfer cards (EBT cards). The purpose of Food and Nutrition Services is to end hunger and improve nutrition and health. It helps eligible low-income households buy the food they need for a nutritionally adequate diet.
Claimants can check their balances; report a lost or stolen card, view transaction history; or receive EBT balances by Text Message by visiting the EBT website at
Begin the Application Process online through ePASS
ePASS is a tool that lets you check on the Internet to see if you may be eligible for several North Carolina benefits and services, such as Food and Nutrition Services or SNAP, Medicaid, and Work First Family Assistance. ePASS shows you the benefits for which you may be eligible. It can also help you decide if you want to apply for assistance. It may also make it easier to apply for benefits. You can complete and print off an application; and mail, fax or hand deliver it to the DSS office.
Visit the ePASS website for more information.