Bid Opportunities

If you would like to submit a bid on a County project, please review the OPEN BIDS projects listed below. 

Contact: Andrea Camp, email

Cleveland County routinely seeks competitive bids for the acquisition of various apparatus, services and construction work in accordance with North Carolina purchasing laws and County purchasing policies and procedures. Bids and quotes on service contracts, purchasing contracts, and other contracts are also sought on a regular basis. See below for bids advertised online that are currently open. The County does not advertise all bids through this online website.  Bids in both the formal range and informal range are listed below.

Pursuant to the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, sealed proposals for the listed items or projects in the formal range are invited and will be received via printed mail or electronic mail by the County of Cleveland until the bid opening date and time as shown. 

For the listed items or projects in the informal range, the County will accept bids via printed mail or electronic mail.

This list of bids serves as a public notice advertisement for bids and requests for proposals. Per North Carolina General Statute 87-15, prospective bidders on construction contracts must be properly licensed. The Cleveland County Board of Commissioners or its delegate reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Bidders must comply with nondiscrimination provisions. The County of Cleveland is an equal opportunity agency and encourages small and minority contractors to bid.


  1. Cleveland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - RFP
  2. Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services for DSS
 Description  Opening Date/Time  Closing Date/Time

: Open Until Contracted