
The County Manager acts as the chief executive officer for county operations. The County Manager’s duties include overseeing all County departments, representing the County in dealings with other governmental units and agencies, and overseeing programs and operations pursuant to the policies, ordinances, and directives adopted by the Board of County Commissioners.

The County Manager is also responsible for preparing the recommended annual County budget and providing all other management services necessary to assure the efficient and effective operation of the County government.

To contact the County Manager's Office, please call (704) 484-4800 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

David Cotton Headshot - Copy Kerri Melton 2
David Cotton, County Manager 
O: 704-484-4800
Kerri Melton, Assistant County Manager
O: 704-484-4800
JSink Head Shot

April Crotts, Assistant to the
County Manager 
O: 704-484-4800
Jonathan Sink, County Attorney 
O: 704-476-3089