Operating Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm excluding Holidays.The County Finance & Purchasing Department has the responsibility of recording, reporting, and planning the financial activities of the County and verifying that all financial transactions are conducted and recorded in accordance with the County budget ordinance, County policies, generally accepted accounting principles, guidelines provided by regulatory agencies and other applicable laws.
On behalf of the citizens of Cleveland County, our office provides the following services to the County government:
Assistance in the compilation of the annual general operating budget and capital improvement budget under the direction of the County Manager
Assistance in using the computerized finance system and integrating with other processes within the office
Centralized control of non-tax and non-fee receipts (or collections) and all expenditures (or disbursements)
Consultation on all financial matters
Coordination with auditing firm to conduct the annual audit
Coordination with consulting firm to prepare the annual cost allocation plan
Coordination with insurance company and related consultants regarding risk management services
Financial administration including accounting, budgeting, internal auditing and revenue collection
Maintenance of detailed account records including assets (property), liabilities (obligations), budgeted and actual revenues, budgeted and actual expenditures and encumbrances (purchase orders)
Management of cash, investments, property, and equipment
Management of payables and long-term obligations
Oversight of federal, state, and other grant monies
Preparation of the annual financial and compliance report
Preparation of other reports for various purposes
Procurement of goods and services
Reporting vehicle accidents and other reportable incidents for reimbursement from insurance company
Many citizens may not understand government and need guidance to work through the myriad of government rules and regulations. To help, the School of Government, a part of the university system in North Carolina, has published a downloadable guide called "Local Government in NC" in a PDF version. If you want to know more about how local governments in North Carolina operate, you will want to read this material.