The County sells surplus equipment, furniture, and other items through electronic auction via online companies. Instead of limiting bidders and bids to those people who physically attend a public auction, virtually anyone may bid on these auction items from anywhere at any time.
Registration with the online company is required to bid on an item but is not required to view listed items.
If you are interested in purchasing used County equipment through auction, please review items for sale at the link below:
Equipment & Inventory Guidance
the County may acquire property through purchase, lease, gift, exchange, adverse possession, and eminent domain through condemnation.
the County may issue a mortgage or other types of security interest when acquiring (1) real property financed with either revenue bonds, project development bonds, or special obligation bonds, (2) health care facilities through bonds issued by the Medical Care Commission, and (3) property improved through a guaranteed energy savings contract.
the County may sale or otherwise dispose of property through provisions found in Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 160A-265 through -279), including sealed bids, negotiated offers and upset bids, public auction, exchange of property, and private negotiation in certain limited circumstances
the Board of County Commissioners may authorize to lease the County's property (G.S. 160A-272).
the Board of County Commissioners may grant easements over, through, under, or across any of its property (GS. 160A-273).
the Board of County Commissioners may execute and deliver deeds to any County-owned real property with full covenants of warranty when it is in the County's best interest (G.S. 160A-275).
- the County may sale stocks, bonds, or other securities that are traded on the stock exchange or over the counter by brokers and securities dealers in the same manner and under the same conditions as a private owner would (G.S. 160A-276)
GovDeals we accept cash, money orders, cashiers checks, and travelers checks.
We do not accept business checks or personal checks.
Property Room will be online payments only.
County vehicles for auction.
During a typical year, we may sell vehicles, electronics, tools, power equipment, computer equipment, printers, calculators, desks, chairs, and more.
Confiscated items available for sale may include bicycles, household appliances, tools, and miscellaneous items. Proceeds from sales of confiscated items are forwarded to Cleveland County Schools.
Without exception, every item will be sold 'AS IS.' For all vehicles sold, title work will be provided at no additional charge. With each item being sold, the County posts disclosure of the terms of each sale. All items will be offered to the highest bidder. However, the Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids in the best interest of Cleveland County.