Serving on an appointed board or commission is a meaningful and vital opportunity for citizens to give their time and expertise to the community. The Board of County Commissioners seeks guidance and insight from its citizen boards and committees to help guide and lead the county’s vitality and well-being.
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners appoints members to various boards. These appointments are done in June and December of each year. Some appointments are established and required by law. Others are created by the authority of the County Commission. Certain seats of boards require specific representation as specified by State or local policy.
Any resident of Cleveland County is eligible to serve on any appointed board or committee unless otherwise specified by state statute or local policy. Reappointments are not guaranteed and will be processed in the same manner as new appointments.
Prior to being appointed to a board or committee, all interested applicants are required to complete the online application, Cleveland County Board Training orientation with the certificate, and the Conflict of Interest form and submit it to Phyllis Nowlen, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners.
Conflict of Interest Form
Please contact each individual board's liaison to inquire about meeting times and locations, agendas and Minutes of previous meetings. Each liaison's information is available through the OnBoard link below.
For more information about each board to and to complete the on-line application, please click on the following link: HTTPS://ONBOARD.CLEVELANDCOUNTY.COM/
Cleveland County Adult Care Home Advisory Commission: Visits adult care facilities, commissions report findings to County Commissioners. Strives to solve problems and concerns dealing with adult care facilities in Cleveland County.
Cleveland County Agricultural Advisory Board: To promote agricultural values and general welfare of the county and more specifically, increase identity and pride in the agricultural community.
Cleveland County Board of Adjustment: Conducts hearings on appeals, variances and conditional use permits; hears cases presented by citizens appealing the decision of the zoning administrator, or applying for variances to grant relief from the requirements of an ordinance; issues conditional use permits that require public hearings and set conditions on proposed development.
Cleveland County Public Health Board: Protects and promotes the public health of all citizens of Cleveland County. Works closely with the Health Department.
Cleveland County Child Fatality Prevention Team: Reviews defined cases of child abuse and neglect including child fatalities.
Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees: Responsible for the development and operation of Cleveland Community College.
Cleveland County Jury Commission: Prepares a list of prospective jurors to serve the Judicial Court System, District, Civil and Superior Courts.
Cleveland County Memorial Library Advisory Board: Decides and plans issues concerning the libraries in Cleveland County.
Cleveland County Nursing Home Advisory Board: Visits nursing homes and reports findings to County Commissioners. Strives to solve problems and concerns dealing with nursing home facilities in Cleveland County.
Cleveland County Planning Board: Studies and makes recommendations on planning issues as requested by the Cleveland County Commissioners.
Cleveland County Social Services Board: Advises County and municipal authorities in developing plans and policies to improve community social conditions.
Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee: Advises County Commissioners on distribution of monies from the state to agencies that assist the elderly.
Historic Preservation Commission: Recommends the designation of local historic landmarks to the appropriate governing board and the review of any construction or alteration to these landmarks. The nine-member Commission is represented by jurisdiction: four county seats, four municipal seats and one seat represented by the Historic Shelby Foundation.
Isothermal Planning and Development Commission Board of Directors: Reviews services on aging, job training, Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), housing, planning and economic development for Region C.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: Determines distribution of state funds to community based alternative programs for troubled youth in the court system. The Council assesses needs of juveniles and supports crime prevention programs.
Partners Behavioral Health Board (Gaston, Lincoln and Cleveland Counties): Advises counties on how to implement mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse programs.
Region C Workforce Development Board: Assists individuals in attaining the skills necessary for employment and advises employers in becoming competitive in the global economy. Note: Region C is composed of Cleveland, Polk, Rutherford and McDowell counties.
Rural Fire Commission: Ensures that Cleveland County Fire Departments' buildings and equipment meet North Carolina statues by visual inspection annually.
Shooting Complex Advisory Board: Establishes a public shooting facility which lessens the governmental burden of Cleveland County and local surrounding areas by providing a safe location to educate and train individuals in the safe and efficient handling of firearms.
Veterans' Advisory Council: Serves as a liaison with the community in coordinating services and activities benefiting Cleveland County Veterans and their families.
City of Shelby Zoning Board of Adjustments (ETJ Representatives): Hears and decides appeals made in relation to the Zoning Ordinance of Shelby.
City of Shelby Planning and Zoning Board (EJT Representatives): Studies and makes recommendations on planning issues as requested by Shelby City Council.
City of Kings Mountain Planning and Zoning Board (EJT Representatives): Studies and makes recommendations on planning issues as requested by Kings Mountain City Council.
Town of Boiling Springs Planning and Zoning Board (EJT Representatives): Studies and makes recommendations on planning issues as requested by Boiling Springs City Council.