Additional Information about the Midpines Recycling Center Closure

Midpines Closure Resize


Additional Information about the Midpines Recycling Center Closure

SHELBY, N.C.– Cleveland County Government announced on Thursday, August 10th that the Midpines Recycling Center, located at 615 Margrace Road in Kings Mountain, has been closed due to safety concerns.  

“The safety of our citizens is a top priority,” said Kevin Gordon, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. “We understand the inconvenience this may cause, however, it was important that the county acted immediately to ensure the well-being of those visiting the site.” 

The safety concerns are related to the structural integrity of the concrete driving and unloading areas.  The concerns were discovered by the Cleveland County Solid Waste Director while surveying possible upgrades to the site and confirmed by an engineering report released on Wednesday, August 9th. The site will remain closed while the County evaluates remediation options. 

“Cleveland County’s Solid Waste Department has already begun removing sections of concrete for further evaluation by structural engineers,” said Josh Davis, Solid Waste Director. “Midpines is one of our busiest recycling centers. Review and evaluations will include both temporary and permanent options to serve the citizens of this area.” 

The Oak Grove Recycling Center, located at 1127 Oak Grove Road in Kings Mountain, is the closest alternate site and has recently been upgraded to accommodate a larger volume of waste. With additional staffing from the Midpines location, the Oak Grove Center has the capacity to accept the additional traffic and volume. 

Regular updates on our progress will be posted on the County's Facebook page as well as on our website at

8.11.23 PDF Press Release Link

Media contact:
Karyn Owens
Marketing and Communications Director
Cleveland County Government