Midpines Convenience Center Temporary Site

Midpines Temporary Site

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2023
Midpines Convenience Center Temporary Site

SHELBY, N.C.– Starting October 2, 2023, Cleveland County Government will open a temporary site at the Midpines Convenience Center, located at 615 Margrace Road in Kings Mountain. Only household garbage will be permitted, and no trailers will be allowed at this location.

“The Midpines location is one of our busiest convenience sites,” said Josh Davis, Solid Waste Director. “Both staff and the County Commissioners heard concerns of those in the nearby community and believed a temporary site would be important while long-term options are considered.” 

The Midpines Recycling Center was closed on August 10th due to safety concerns related to the structural integrity of the concrete driving and unloading areas. The engineered cost estimate for demolishing and rebuilding the site is approximately $1.1 million. 

The Cleveland County Solid Waste Division is studying long-term options including relocation of a convenience site that will address existing traffic queueing issues as well as lack of space on the existing site.  

The temporary site will be open 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday, following the same hours as the other convenience sites throughout the county. The Oak Grove Recycling Center, located at 1127 Oak Grove Road in Kings Mountain, is the closest alternate site for bulk and recycling.

Any additional updates or changes to the Midpines Convenience Center will be posted on the County’s Facebook page as well as on our website at www.clevelandcounty.com

9.19.23 PDF Press Release Link

Media contact:
Karyn Owens
Marketing and Communications Director
Cleveland County Government