Cleveland County Offers Sweetheart Saturday on Nov. 4th


Cleveland County Offers Sweetheart Saturday on Nov. 4th

 N.C.– The Honorable Betsy S. Harnage and the Honorable Ashlyn T. Harris have joined together once again to create Cleveland County’s 2nd Sweetheart Saturday. The Register of Deeds and the Magistrates offices will offer wedding services to interested couples on Saturday, November 4th. Weddings will take place in the Cleveland County Administration Building at 311 E. Marion St. in Shelby from 9 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 3 pm.

“Currently, wedding services are only offered on weekdays which can be a barrier for some couples,” said Betsy Harnage, Register of Deeds. “In addition, many people now feel more comfortable having a more intimate wedding.”

Weddings will be held on a first-come first-serve basis and only the couple may attend. Witnesses will be supplied. Jo’s Florist and Catering will provide decorations and Pinnacle Classical Academy will supply a red carpet for couples to walk down the aisle.

“This was a lot of fun in 2021. We had over 20 couples get married during our 1st Sweetheart Saturday and are hoping to have over 30 this year,” said Betsy.

The couple must go on the Register of Deeds website at to apply for their marriage license prior to attending. Interested couples can call the Register of Deeds office 704-484-4834 if they have any questions.

More information about costs and featured sponsors can be found at:

10.2.23 PDF Press Release Link

Media contact:
Karyn Owens
Marketing and Communications Director
Cleveland County Government