Cleveland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council 2024-2026 Funds Available

Cleveland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council 2024-2026 Funds Available

On January 4th, the Cleveland County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) announced the availability of $340,063 in intervention and prevention funds for services to youths most at risk of court involvement. 

The JCPC anticipates funds from the NC Dept. of Public Safety/Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, in the amount stated above to fund the program types specified below. Such programs will serve delinquent and at-risk youth for the state fiscal year 2024-2025 beginning on, or after, July 1, 2024. The use of these funds in this county requires a 20% local match. The county can approve programs for 1 or 2-year funding awards, dependent on county approval and programs meeting all requirements.

1.4.24 Request for Proposal - Click here for complete details.

Based on identified needed programs and possible gaps in the service continuum, the following checked program types will be considered for funding:
Mentoring Services
Parent/Family Skill Building
Interpersonal Skill Building
Vocational Skills
Tutoring/Academic Advancement
Mediation/Confliction Resolution
Restitution/Community Service
Teen Court
Psychological Assessments
Family Counseling
Home Based Family Counseling
Individual/Group/Mixed Counseling
Substance Abuse Counseling
Services Addressing Problem Sexual Behavior

Proposed services should address the following concerns as reported in the Youth Assessment Screening Instrument (YAS) for adjudicated youth:

Peer Domain: Cleveland County data shows elevated risk levels in the areas of: association with negative/delinquent peers and gang association.

Individual Domain: Cleveland County youth assessed higher than the State average in the areas of: prior history of delinquency, mental/behavioral health needs, and substance abuse/use needs.

Family Domain: Cleveland County data shows elevated risk levels in:  family criminality, family substance abuse, and inadequate parental supervision.

School Domain: Cleveland County youth assessed higher than the State average in the areas of school academic (failing most classes) and dropout rates.  School conflict and suspension data (OSS and ISS) improved for Cleveland County, down in both areas, and lower than the state average in those categories. 

Only local public agencies, 501c3 non-profit corporations, and local housing authorities will be considered for funding.

Deadline for Application Submission: February 12th at 5 PM

Mandatory training for ALL applicants will be held on January 19, 2024, at 10:00 am, in the Advance Technology Center at Cleveland Community College, Room 7270.  Program Managers, or anticipated Program Managers, are required to attend the Cleveland County training. 

Interviews will be conducted with the Program Managers on February 20, 2024, at the Advanced Technology Center, at Cleveland Community College, Room 7270. Times will be assigned as the applications are received. 

For further information or other technical assistance about applying for JCPC funds in this county or about the program application workshop, contact Melissa Johnson, DPS Area Consultant at 828-296-4745 or

The JCPC will hold council meetings at Cleveland Community College in the Advanced Technology Center, room #7270, unless otherwise posted. All of the listed meetings will begin at 12:30 pm and are open to the public.

February 6, 2024
March 5, 2024
May 7, 2024
June 4, 2024