Board of Elections Groundbreaking Ceremony

BOE Groundbreaking Ceremony - Web Release - Copy

On Wednesday, December 4th, the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Cleveland County Board of Elections facility located at the former Shelby Rescue Squad at 827 W. Marion St.

This facility will include office space, a boardroom, ample storage space, and a training room. During the 2024 General Election, 75% of the votes in Cleveland County were cast during early voting, so it was important that this building be designed to be used as one of the early voting sites.

The project will include 75 permanent parking spaces and room for additional parking during high-volume events. This project also includes the installation of a cul-de-sac mid-way down Bowman Road allowing a safer pedestrian environment for those visiting the Board of Elections. Hoke Construction will be the contractor on the renovations which are expected to take approximately six months to complete.